
Isaac's Freebirth

Isaac's Freebirth Story "Shall   I   bring   to   the   birth   and   not   cause   to   bring   forth ? saith the LORD" Isaac was born at home Wed morning April 28th at 2:48am.  I started having contractions 1am on Tues. I woke up overheated and had to cool off with a damp rag. I lost a tiny bit of brown mucus plug (first time) and when I lied back in bed, noticeable contractions started coming on. I went to sleep assuming they might fizzle away but I would wake up noticing they were still consistent. When Steven's alarm clock began going off 5am, I went ahead and told him he'd need to call out of work, and around 6am he did. We slept in and when I got up, sure enough with all the hassle of the morning and taking care of my other 4 children, the contractions went away. I thought right away, the baby would be born that night once the kids were in bed.  I made an effort to eat alot of eggs for breakfast, and minded to only eat easy-to-digest food for the rest of th

Hope's Stillbirth Story

I wanted to write down all the things I can remember, lest I forget any details. Hope Elisabeth Skillman was born sleeping April 5th, 2018. I was 28 weeks pregnant. They thought based on her measurements, she passed around 24 weeks. I found out I was pregnant October 2017. Her due date based on LMP would be June 30th 2018. I knew very early on I had conceived and even played around (hopeful guessing) it could be twins because I had obvious signs of implantation. Morning sickness came, I battled it with Kefir (my favorite was with lemon peel)  so my it was my first pregnancy not throwing up. After the Babylon USA release July 2017 and visiting Temple Baptist monthly August, September, October, November, December. We knew we wanted to move our family down to Jacksonville and started viewing homes when we came down for church. I committed (put down a deposit) to use a midwife that Mrs. Shannon Johnson used. At 18 weeks I was hoping to schedule my first prenatal visit and also fin